Wednesday 9 July 2014

University of Stirling Tour (Overview)


June 15, 2014

I chose University of Stirling upon being awarded the Gilman Scholarship to study abroad because it had one of the highest student feedback of the curriculum in the UK, and the school seems to recognize and value the high diversity of attending students here. Additionally, the location of the campus is situated so that you are able to explore a lot of the surrounding cities such as Glasgow, Inverness, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, and St. Andrews - all cities the have unique and historical contexts that add to the entire country. Scotland also sits just a plane, bus, or train, or ferry ride away from the country of Ireland, the Netherlands, England, and Germany. Last minute get away's are fairly inexpensive if you plan right and know what to look for. 

The University of Stirling is an amazing campus with one of the youngest of histories of colleges in Scotland. Founded in 1967, it sits on 300 acres of land about 2.2 miles outside the actual city of Stirling. Man made Airthery Loch* as well as Airthery Castle are part of the what adds to the already breathtaking campus views. It feels like a secluded sanctuary. It is large enough that it could easily provide what students need if you didn't want to travel. There's a grocery store, the Macrobert Arts Centre which plays newly released movies at £4.50 a ticket for students, an art centre that features students creations, student clubs, a full gym with state of the art equipment, on site counseling, banks, an amazing four story library, swimming pool, hiking trails that you could get lost in for hours, and even a golf course. The William Wallace tower sits in the background and it's something you see everyday walking to class. There is a plethora of wildlife that makes the university its home. From outside my dorm window, there are a family of swans, species of ducks, and birds that sing songs I've never heard before bright and early at 4a.m. on queue like an alarm clock. 

Pictures do not do this place justice and I've attempted capture the essence as best I can by attaching a few videos and pictures for review. As I get more, I'll update more!

Happy Traveling!

Loch* - pronounced lock - Scottish or Gaelic word for lake and sea inlet


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